Each bag has its own identity and special story to tell. The leather, which is in itself already a by-product of another industry, is all ethically sourced from British upholstery manufactures. Each bag can tell you of its history and journey, identifying where the leather came from, the original tannery as well as the furniture manufacturer where it became a waste product. The name of the type of leather and its colour. The Welsh wool tapestry, the mill where it came from, it's pattern design and colours, whether its vintage or a traditional doublecloth made in a local mill in the same traditional way since the Nineteenth Century. The defining detail - a wooden lovespoon handcarved in a workshop in North Wales, or a pewter lovespoon detail produced in South Wales.
Conscious of the impact in this fast fashion world, every detail is carefully considered aiming to utilise as many recycled or sustainable materials as possible to reduce our future environmental footprint and ensure that Coterie is an ecologically sustainable brand.